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Can't get to the wedding? Aged care home says 'we will' for father-of-the-bride

Katie and husband Linton, parents Warwick and Helen and Monsignor Kerry Bayada (centre). Picture supplied
Katie and husband Linton, parents Warwick and Helen and Monsignor Kerry Bayada (centre). Picture supplied

This is branded content for Calvary Health Care.

Taking your daughter down the aisle is one of life's very special moments. But what if the father-of-the-bride is unwell and confined to his aged care home?

That was the heart-breaking situation for Katie Beckett whose dad Warwick lives at Calvary Ryde residential aged care. Warwick has had several health battles over the years and the family knew it would be difficult for him to leave the home to attend Katie's wedding.

But the determination and hard work of the bride-to-be and the staff at the home meant it was not a problem - they brought the wedding to Warwick.

Calvary supported the family by offering the St Margaret's Chapel on the grounds of the retirement village as the venue. Making it even more special was the fact that it was the first wedding held in the chapel in anyone's living memory.

Incredibly, the priest who married Katie's parents almost 60 years ago, Monsignor Kerry Bayada, is now retired and living at Calvary Ryde. He stepped forward to officiate at these very special nuptials for the next generation.

Katie said having her father involved in the wedding meant the world to her and her family. "We wanted Dad involved right from the start - I think we would have gotten married in his room if we had to," she said.

Calvary's St Margaret's Chapel decorated in flowers for the special day. Picture supplied.
Calvary's St Margaret's Chapel decorated in flowers for the special day. Picture supplied.

"But this was the perfect space for us to invite all of our friends and family to witness our marriage, and most importantly ensured Dad was included in our special day.

"Dad means everything to all of us, he is the best dad. We just want him to be happy and safe."

The work to allow Warwick to be part of the happy event began weeks before the big day, with many practice runs so he was familiar and comfortable with the getting to the chapel.

Led by pastoral carer Elizabeth Wheeler, the team at Calvary Ryde worked endlessly to prepare Warwick for the big day, including the opportunity to attend Mass on Tuesdays leading up to the wedding.

"It allowed him to get into a routine of getting out of bed, dressed and travelling down to the chapel, and to become accustomed to the process," Katie said.

"There was a lot of perseverance. I think it's testament to the relationship Elizabeth has with Dad that they were able to do it."

The wedding car awaits outside Calvary Ryde aged care home. Picture supplied
The wedding car awaits outside Calvary Ryde aged care home. Picture supplied

Other residents at the home were also able to be a part of the day, watching the wedding live-streamed, as well as raising a glass at a special reception held at the home afterwards for the happy couple and proud parents Warwick and Helen with wedding cake and bubbly.

"Elizabeth wanted to create a party for the residents so they could be a part of it too and enjoy the experience of a wedding again," said Katie.

"Dad was able to celebrate. The boys were able to have a beer with him, and we got to have a glass of champagne. But it was also about creating something for other people."

The special day felt like it was "just meant to be", said Katie. "It was amazing to have Monsignor Bayada officiate, and it was so special knowing that he actually married my parents back in 1964.

"The bonus is that Dad now attends Mass with Monsignor Bayada each Tuesday, which he enjoys very much."

Pastoral carer Elizabeth said she was overjoyed to be involved in making the wedding a reality for the family, as well as for the other residents.

"It was just wonderful to be a part of it and help Warwick, and help make the wedding happen for everyone," she said. "My joy came too with bringing the other residents along to enjoy the occasion - even if, for some, it was only in that moment and they would soon forget. I know it was bringing joy to them as well."

Elizabeth has been a pastoral carer at Calvary Ryde for 16 years, but began her association with Calvary's founders, the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary (LCM) in 1972 when she began her nursing training with the Sisters at the then Lewisham Hospital, the first of the many hospitals they established after arriving in Australia in 1885.

She says the relationships she builds with residents, including Warwick, is one of the joys of her role. "I suppose it is a trust thing," she said. "The relationships are what bring me back here all the time. That is the 'Being for others' that is the spirit of Calvary."